Your safety is our priority

Diamond Aviation is committed to safety first. Safety is paramount, and we are committed to exceeding industry standards.
Safety is vital to our business’s success and is integral to our future development. Our commitment to safety includes a zero-harm safety culture, which involves all levels of the organization, starting with our directors and management team, and is embedded within all employee training programs, policies, and procedures.
Our team works closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and our partners at Wyvern Wingman and ARGUS to ensure that our fleet and crew comply with all regulations.
Diamond Aviation pilots are trained in state-of-the-art full-motion simulators at LOFT and Flight Safety. Our crews also undergo regular training updates, extensive background checks, and safety record inspections, and they are confident and professional in their preparation for any situations that may arise.
The professional and experienced Diamond Aviation team adheres to our robust Safety Risk Analysis, Safety Management Systems, and comprehensive Emergency Response Program. In addition to the above, to ensure your safety, we use the latest techniques and technology to monitor maintenance and tracking operations, complying with FAA requirements and giving
you the much-needed peace of mind that you are in safe hands.